Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"but a small moment"

Almost immediately after receiving my call I was bombarded with trial after trial each one being increasingly more difficult. After I would think that I finally made it through one and so many good things were happening and amazing people were coming into my life, another trial would hit me like a sack of bricks. Life has been the toughest it has ever been for me.
Most recently I was dating someone and things seemed to be going great at first, but then everything started rolling downhill and everything was an argument and we both weren't really happy anymore as much as we both want to deny it. Fast sunday had come and i needed to know what Heavenly Father wanted me to do about it. I got my answer but I really really didn't want to do it. So I fudged it as much as i could and said let's date till I leave then we will break up for the time of my mission.... that didn't feel right either. :( I was trying so hard to make the best of it. I really was but from my point of view it didn't look like he was. One day it hit me even harder that when it ends... that's the end. No more us. I cried for days. My heart hurt so much, but even then I knew that I needed to show my Heavenly Father that I would do whatever He wanted me to do. So i knew what I had to do.

But first here is a little advice if things are tough in a relationship:

1. Don't have serious conversations over text.
                        I wanted to talk in person and he didn't. I finally caved in to what he wanted. So no matter how much they don't want to see you or you don't want to see them, force it to happen in person.

2. Don't have serious conversations in the middle of the night.
                        Things get tough in a relationship, whatever that relationship is. If things are getting heated and its late, remember, IT'S LATE! Emotions are heightened when you are tired. If you have to, go to bed angry. Your head will be clearer in the morning.

So needless to say our relationship ended on the worst note possible and my heart was completely and utterly broken. He just stopped talking to me and gave me no closure. I've been trying to find closure myself but it is difficult. I apologized for the way things ended and I still have yet to hear from him. But you know, if this is how he needs to get through this, I need to respect it no matter how hurtful it is.
It doesn't matter how many times you apologize to someone. If they don't want to be in your life, they'll make sure they aren't. But you can't let the tears that come from losing that person bring you down, let them make you strong in the realization that God will mend your heart and make it whole again. A broken heart is real. But it isn't permanent.

I plead with God everyday to take this pain from me and everyday he sends someone to help me, or to cheer me up :)

I know that our Heavenly Father hears and answers each and everyone of our prayers. Ultimately, I know that He has something great in store for us. We just need to submit ourselves to the will of our Heavenly Father, maybe give up something, and remember that He knows what is best for us and read what is said in Doctrine and Covenants section 121 verse 7 and 8:

"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;"

The Lord is with you :) Trust in him :)


  1. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BOO! you are such a great example to me. you have no idea. heavenly father answered my prayers by putting you in my life to help me and i dont know if i have helped you but i hope that i can be there for you the way you are always there for me.

  2. aww boo boo!!! i love you even more than that!!! Yes you have helped me in so many ways at so many times :) i am so incredibly blessed to have you in my life :)
